July 7

Caregivers and Balance


Caregivers and Balance

Caregivers face an overwhelming challenge in life, whether they know it or not. They have given themselves the challenge of balancing their own life with taking care of a loved one.  Caregivers sacrifice so much of their own time to help loved ones in need that they forget to take care of themselves.  If a caregiver does not work to keep their lives in balance, something will give. I am fond of saying that a person's life is in some way like a machine – it works well until it goes out of balance, and unbalanced things break. At best, this means that a caregiver might be burnt out for a while. At worst, their health might fail, and often that's not something that can be fixed.

Caregivers who lose a sense of balance in their lives often find that they are having trouble performing at work, or that they are facing increased emotional and physical stress. Their family relationships suffer and are strained. It's important to remember, even if you or a loved one is facing these symptoms, that there are others who are experiencing the same challenges, and, even better, that there are solutions to the problem.

One of the biggest challenges is to balance a job or career while caregiving.  Finding the time to juggle caring for a loved one, while going to work, and find time to relax presents quite a challenge.  Caregivers may be surprised to learn that many companies can be quite supportive of their situation.  Some companies offer employee assistance programs, including the family leave act or flex-time. Federal and state laws also have provisions for family leave, although it varies from state to state whether the leave is paid or unpaid (and sometimes small businesses are exempt from mandatory compliance with these laws). Even though balancing caregiving with your own life can be a challenge, there are steps you can take to avoid burnout and ensure a balanced life.  You must put time aside to rest and relax, both to preserve your caregiving abilities, and also to preserve your family relationships and your own health.  If it is difficult to find the time to do so, do not be afraid to ask for help.  You may want to consider seeking out another caregiver, or you can also seek suggestions through a caregiver support group. I speak to caregivers all the time about how they can keep their lives in balance, and I would be happy to help you as well.

Archer Law Office Can Help

For More Information Contact this office (609) 842-9200


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